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Fish Tycoon Forum

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If you guys want money, you guys mi...

If you guys want money, you guys might want to get a Greenfin Goldbulb first. I always estimate my prices instead.

I'm naturally a Greenfin Goldbulb, so you guys might want to have a Greenfin Beta and a Greenfin Fatfish. That's a good combo and you guys can sell them for $25 to $30. Depends on your situation. Have a level 2 or 3 Environment tank. These fish will die quicker if you don't.

Yet, when you start, you might want to sell fish that are from common eggs. Start with the eggs you have, get an Aeration System and a Heater. You need those very importantly. You might also set the speed 2x. The adults will grow in an Hour or Half an Hour and the babies will be out in half an hour.

Keep on breeding a fish that is very pricey, like a fish between $15 - $25 and sell like 10 to 20 of them per day. It might take a while, but depending on how many you sell per day then multiply it by 7 b/c you do that every day of the week, you'll get loads of money. I have the game on my iPod Touch and it's a good way for me to get loads of cash.

Sick fish that you can't cure fully, you might throw them away as long as they are the same fish that you're breeding or buy the snail. The snail will keep your environment healthy.

You might be able to make at least 1 grand to 3 grand per week. Keep using your money on the Environment Tank research until you reached level 3 and you have a sea horse or all 4 plants.

Well, that's all that I've got.

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